Saturday, September 21, 2013

Original MODENAS element oil filter 52010-1053-E

There are many instance MODENAS owners were put to a surprise condition when their engine jammed / stalled. One of the contributor is the usage of an imitation element oil filter. Admin would like to share how to differentiate between the original element oil filter and the imitation one

1. Box - the box MUST look like the photo below. If it looks differently then it is a fake one

2. Marking - open up the box and look at marking. The original parts bears wording MODENAS EMOS as photo

3. 168 - check again if there is a marking of "168". The number should be similar to the identification at the bottom of box

4. Hole - turn the element oil filter. You must be able to see a hole

5. Leaf - lastly count element leaf. The original part has 44 leaf

Next time when you purchase the element oil filter make sure you buy the original one. It cost only RM4.30. If you buy more than that you already been "cekik"


MODENAS One Stop said...

Terima kasih kepada pihak Market Support QMT di dalam mebekalkan maklumat di atas

Amy said...

Memang bnyak kedai motor akan bg oil filter tiruan punya tapi cakap original emos, tengok je bawah oil filter kompom kantoi xde lubang ..

Calvyn said...

bought one today from motorcycle part shop, RM5

exactly same as mention above, just that the leaf had 45